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Segulah for parnasah -Understanding the custom of reciting Parshas Hamon by Artscroll



There is a widespread custom to recite this chapter on the Tuesday of the week of Beshalach, which this year is today January 27th, 2015. Recited by many especially on the Tuesday of Parashas Beshalach, 
Dear ArtScroll Booknews Subscriber,
    When our ancestors were in the Wilderness, a month after the Exodus from Egypt , they faced a tomorrow with no food. Justifiably, they asked Moshe if he had taken them into the desert to starve to death. Hashem responded that in the morning they would see that He had not forsaken them.
    In the morning – and every morning for the next 40 years – there was manna waiting for them. By evening there was nothing left, and the next morning,
it was there again. Can you imagine how we would feel if we went to sleep every night with empty
refrigerators? There in the Wilderness, Hashem showed our ancestors that ultimately,parnassah is in His hands.
    We pray for it every day – to provide for our families, to assist worthy causes, to build sturdy foundations for the future.
    This year, more than any in living memory, we pray for parnassah. The recession has hit everywhere. Relatives and neighbors, institutions and hopes for the future have been battered. So we pray for parnassah perhaps more fervently than in the past – but some days are more propitious than others.
    The Torah reading of this coming Shabbos -- Parashas Beshalach -- includes the chapter telling how the Jewish People in the Wilderness received manna. Many people recite the chapter daily, as a special prayer for parnassah. There is also a widespread custom to recite this chapter on the Tuesday of the week of Beshalach, which this year is today January 27th. 

Parashas Hamon.pdf

Our creator צור ישראל or Bitzur Yisrael

Guest post by Moshe Harel
Paris is still reeling from the events of three weeks ago, but Mayor Deblasio hasn’t been the only one to stop by and say hello. Israel has decided to send the French Foreign legion to investigate.
  A joint team of Shabak and Mossad has spent time in Paris probing the attack. Within Mosad, there exists a unit called “Bitzur.” {Mivtzar is a fort, so the word bitzur means to fortify} Its purpose is to try and help beef up security for Jews throughout the world, working with communities and their local police department.
  France’s military and intelligence branches are on high alert everywhere, and the Jewish neighborhoods are no exception. The plot thickens here-since when do foreign agencies intervene in a sovereign state’s domestic affairs? Suppose, the Flatbush Shomrim would hop over and offer assistance wouldn’t that seem a little redundant?

 It makes you wonder- what’s Mossad’s message here? If these warriors of stealth were  indeed stellar individuals, motivated by humanist altruism for their brethren’s sake, that’s genuine chesed at work. But don’t bet the house and mortgage on this one.

 Apparently, someone wants to flex their muscles and act as the gatekeeper, the steward of “Am Yisrael”. Actually, the guys with the dark sunglasses and Glocks are clueless. The simple Jew on the streets in Marseilles can bring them up to speed; he’s better equipped with a timeless GPS that’s always accurate -the weekly Sidra.
Parshas Vairah relates the beginning of the exodus of our odyssey in Egypt- the Supreme entity brought “Dever” or pestilence upon the livestock of Mitzrayim while the Hebrew land of Goshen did not share misfortune. “So that you are aware that I am Hashem “Bkerev Haretz”, in the midst of civilization itself. He is the “Shalit Umashgiach,” who charts the course of history, writes Nachmanides [8:18].
 The only One above micromanages events circa 2015, just as he did back then, for the nascent Jewish nation.
 The same entity that snatched 4 kedoshim from our midst in a Paris grocery, spirited away others to safety in a freezer downstairs for reasons of his own. Obviously, it is he who placed Al Quaida and ISIS right where they are in Mesopotamia and beyond, as part of a master plan to bring the world to its tikun, B’malchus Shakai. These pathogens will disappear at a time of his choosing.
 Spymasters  of Jerusalem the Golden- sorry, but there’s already someone else in the driver’s seat. Truth to tell, were all spectators as the worlds events unfold. 3,000 yrs of survival has burnished in the Jewish consciousness that it won’t be Agent A. or the Kirya in Tel Aviv [Israeli version of the pentagon] that will ultimately sustain us, until the Achris Hayomim.
It’s the  “Ain Od Milvado,” the Mekabetz Nidchei Yisrael.

שירת הים in yiddish- shabbos Shira Parshas Beshalach

Rav Shteinman on the recent snow storm to hit the Northeast

Rav Shteinman
Rav Aaron Leib Shteinman when told about the approaching storm to hit the northeast he davened that no yid should be harmed he than said jokingly that in America they were waiting for dollars to fall but snow fell instead.
He remarked how the US has now  become a country Full of Torah learning specifically in the glorified city of  Lakewood. Despite the flourishing of Torah in America much improvement needs to be made regarding the issue of Tznius which the rosh yeshiva did not elaborate on.

Frum newspapers keep clean of ads mentioning superbowl

In what has recently become the norm during the 2 week build up the super bowl, many frum stores
would advertise Superbowl specials, especially take out stores with prepared menus for the big game.  The frum papers Yated, Hamodia, Ami Magazine, did not post any such ads this year. Credit to the editors for not getting caught up with the Superbowl fever. Super bowl related ads have dominated the frum media lately as the great American culture blends and seeps into our camps.  Although many follow or watch the big game, we still must not forget this is not our culture and way of life. Sports is a important staple of the American culture, professional teams play all sorts of games followed by ardent  loyal fans. As the country  gears up for super Sunday, many in the frum community have been following or getting swept up with  Superbowl fever.  No matter how big it may be, is not our culture and not an event we as frum yidden mark on our calender.

No fundraising dinners on super Sunday for yeshivos and Mosdos

אנו רצים והם רצים
 Look at the events calender in the Yated Ne'eman and other frum papers there are no events listed or scheduled for Sunday Feb 1st 2015. Its unfortunate and sad but the mosdos and yeshivos must be practical. As recently as a few years ago, yeshivos and Mosdos held fundraisers on the same night as the Superbowl. Apparently, they could not draw a crowd and get people to attend these fundraising events when there is a competing game on TV. As the country gears up for super Sunday, many in the frum community have been following or getting swept up with  Superbowl fever.  the Same challengeis for people making simchas and weddings. A baal simcha was quoted as saying that he will have to put up screens for the game at his daughters wedding, or the guests wont show! Is it fair to let down a baal simcha or to not support a yeshiva for 3 hours of enjoyment that has no eternal gain.  Some point out that following sports is a healthy outlet, but does it take precedent over something eternal?

Tu B'shvat, checking dry fruits for insects,

 Following guidelines are from the Star-K Kosher.
When applicable, guidelines apply to produce grown and purchased in the United States. Checking procedures in other countries may be different.
Carob: Break open in several places to check for infestation. If it is infested, white stringy webbing will be visible on the inside. Holes on the outside may also indicate infestation.
Dates: American grown do not require inspection.
For the more stringent, slice the date lengthwise and open. If webbing or seedy material is present, the dates should be discarded.                                                                    
Figs: It is recommended that one open and do a visual inspection on a few out of the container (even if they have a hechsher). If they have no insects, one can assume the rest do not.

Nuts & Raisins: Do not require checking unless there is some reason to suspect infestation such as improper or prolonged storage or movement is noticed. Name brand raisins, which have likely not sat in storage for a while, are preferred.

If one insect is found, remove it. If two insects are found, a cursory check of the entire container or bag is recommended. If three insects are found the entire container or bag must be carefully checked.

Although the following are not traditional for Tu B’shvat we present them here due to the current situation.
Pineapple - There seems to currently be an infestation of mites on pineapples.
The mites are ONLY on the outer rind and inside crevices if the pineapple is not peeled properly. If the pineapple is peeled until only yellow fruit is visible, there are no issues.
Garlic (whole) – There seems to be a current infestation of mites in between the layers of the garlic peels. The garlic cloves themselves have no infestation issues. As a precaution, it is recommended to rinse off the cloves.
We are still researching these two issues and will update with further information as it becomes available.
Click HERE for the CRC Kosher dry food list
Click HERE for Satmar Mishmeres kshrus dry fruits (in Yiddish)

Origin of the "Tu B'shvat Seder"

Recently many in the Modern Orthodox or kabalistic circles conduct a Tu Bshvat Seder. Some drink 4 cups of wine, recite prayers and eat many different fruits in a specific order. There is a Hagada that some recite from as well. The origin of this costume is attributed to the Ari Z"al. However there is controversy over it and many question the minhag. It is not practiced among The yeshivish crowd or the yeshiva world in general. Rabbi Yaakov Emdin wrote strongly against the Anonymous sefer that first mentioned the minhag in the name of the Ari.

 Click HERE for more on the topic of the TU Bshvat Seder
Rav Endins words about the sefer פרי עץ חיים on the  טו בשבט סדר: 
."הצצתי בו שעה מועטת ונרתעתי לאחורי, אז ידעתי מה טיבו ושמץ מינות ש"ץ שר"י (=שבתי צבי שם רשעים ירקב) המובלעת בתוכו בשקוצים ורמזים אין מספר". 

Whose voice are you?

The MO community is giddy- the so called "online voice of Torah Jewry" has published a favorable article about the JCW organization.  The middle of the road blogger quoted-
I have to give Matzav credit. Organizations like JCW have not generally been so accepted in the Charedi world which tends to be reluctant to report suspected abusers to the police. Especially if they come from prominent families. Or if the accused has a longstanding great reputation. The disbelief is so strong that they often turn against the victim – accusing them of lying about the abuse. I would therefore not be surprised if rabbinic leaders would strongly oppose something like the Wall of Shame. bla bla bla...
Does matzav have rabbonim? not that we know of, do they represent the Torah world, NO! any anonymous website no matter how frum or yeshivish sounding represents no one but themselves, but leave it up to the MO crowd to paint the frum Torah community as being pro molesters and so surprised, that Matzav would actually post about JCW.

BD''H Rav Sheya Schiff zt''l Rosh Yeshiva Mesivta Bais Shraga of Monsey

 BJL It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Sheya Schiff zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Mesivta Bais Shraga in Monsey, NY. He was 90 years old.  Rav Sheya led Mesivta Bais Shraga with distinction for decades, raising generations of bnei Torah. Rav Sheya was a son of the noted baal habayis, R’ Harry Schiff zt”l, who merited to raise a family of leading gedolei Torah and marbitzei Torah. Rav Sheya’s brother is Rav Yankel Shiff, son-in-law of the Brisker Rov, Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik zt”l. Rav Sheya’s sisters  married Rav Shmuel Faivelson, rosh yeshiva of Bais Medrash L’Torah of Monsey, NY, and Rav Meir Hershkowitz, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Binyomin of Stamford, Connecticut. Rav Sheya was a son-in-law of Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt”l, the pioneer of Torah chinuch and Yiddishkeit in America and legendary menahel of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.
Rav Sheya led Bais Shraga together with his brother-in-law, Rav Shmuel Mendlowitz, son of Rav Shraga Feivel. Rav Sheya leaves behind a family of bnei and bnos Torah, including his sons, Rav Shraga and Rav  Emanual known as  Reb Mooni. The levaya will be held at 1 p.m. at Yeshiva Bais Shraga, located at 28 Saddle River Road in Monsey, NY, with the aron being flown after Shabbos to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.

Yehi zichro boruch.

Its Dinner time!

Besides for football or other sporting events, Sundays,  host fundraising dinners for Yeshivos and Mosdos. Please come and show your support to the following Yeshivos and Mosdos.
 wondering where? when?   what time is the dinner?  see below.

Sunday February 8, 2015 - 19 Shevat - 5775

Adelphia Yeshiva Talmudical academy 44th annual Dinner
Woodlake country club, 25 New Hampshire avenue Lakewood, NJ
reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Mesivta of Long Beach Yovel anniversary 50th Annual historic Dinner
Bell Works, 101 Crawford corner road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Reception 6:00 pm - Bus from Lakewood 516-255-4704

Yeshiva Telshe Alumni Riverdale 34th Annual Dinner
Doubletree Hotel, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY
Reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Yeshiva Ohel Torah 28th Annual Dinner

Camp SCHI 20th annual Dinner 
Lake terrace hall  1690 Oak Street, Lakewood, NJ
Sunday December 14, 2014 - 22 Kislev- 5775

Mir Yeshiva Brooklyn Building completion Dinner
The palace Ballroom 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30 pm- email Mirreryeshiva@thejnet.com

Agra Dpirka inaugural Dinner
Tiferes Mordechai hall 600 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Yeshiva and Mesivta of Baltimore Gala of Gratitude Dinner -Seudas Hoda'ah to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Rav Zvi Dov Slanger's liberation from the Bergen Belsen concentration camp
Beth Tfiloh Hall  3300 Old Court Road Baltimore, MD 21208
Reception 5:00 pm

Yeshiva Gedola of South Monsey 21st Annual Dinner- Rabbi Lieff 
Valley Terrace 121 College Road Suffern, NY

Mesivta Zichron Boruch of Clifton Annual Dinner

Sunday December 7, 2014 - 15 Kislev- 5775

Yeshiva Toras Moshe yerushalayim 32nd Anniversary tribute Dinner
Dedicated לעילוי נשמת Rabbi Moshe Twersky HY'D
Ateres Avrohom hall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn NY
Reception 5:30  Zikaron for Rabbi Moshe Twersky 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00pm
Email: americanfriends@torasmoshe.org

Yeshiva Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin annual Dinner
Brooklyn Marriott 

Telshe yeshiva Chicago 54th anniversary tribute Dinner
50th Yartzheit memorial tribute to the Rosh yeshiva Harav Mottel katz Zatzal
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Yeshiva Mercaz hatorah, Belle Harbor Flatbush reception
At the  Wachasman home 1182 East 28th street, Brooklyn, NY 8:00 pm

Sunday June 15, 2014 - 17 Sivan- 5774

Yeshiva Livnas Hasapir/ Chush annual Breakfast
 At the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Werdiger
 East 23 Street, between Avenues J and K in Flatbush 9:30 AM June 15, 2014

Yeshiva Bais Mikroh- Monsey Groundbreaking event
221 Viola rd, Monsey, NY 2:30 -4:00 pm

Kollel Zichron Shmuel -Mirrer yeshiva -Parlor reception
Schindler residence 314 Avenue N, Brooklyn, NY 7:00pm
Monday June 16, 2014 18 Sivan 5774

Mayan Yisroel 6th annual Dinner
Canal Jean Building, 2236 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:00 pm  Dinner 7:00 pm

Ohr Naava Lakewood Parlor meeting
Novoseller home 567  8th Street, Lakewood , NJ  7:30 pm
Tuesday June 17, 2014 19 Sivan 5774
Gatshead Yeshiva- Bais Yosef --New York Reception honoring R''Y Rav Avrohom Gurwicz
Spinka Hall 1466 56th street, Brooklyn, NY 11219  8:30 pm

Yeshiva gevuras Yitzchok -Kesher Desert reception
1461 East 17th street, Brooklyn, NY 8:30 pm
Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Guest speaker
Wednesday June 18, 2014 -20 Sivan 5774
Yeshiva Derech Hatalmud anniversary Dinner
Masores Bais Yaakov hall 1395 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (corner Avenue I)
Reception 7:15 pm  Dinner 8:00 pm
Sunday June 8, 2014 - 10 Sivan- 5774

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America 51st Siyum Hamishnayos
The Palace 780 McDonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Doors open 6:00pm Program 6:30
Monday June 9, 2014 11 Sivan   
Mifal Torah Vodaath annual Dinner
Schicks manor, 4901 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:30 pm Mincha 7:15 pm Dinner 7:30 pm
Tuesday June 10, 2014-12 Sivan 5774
Beer Hagolah 35th annual Dinner
Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th street Flushing meadows park, New York , NY

Ohr Somayach Monsey 35th Anniversary Dinner- Tuesday June 10
The Beit Shvidler conference center 244 rt 306 , Monsey, NY
Reception 6:30 pm- Mincha 7:15 pm Dinner 7:30 pm Bentching 9:30 pm

Sunday June, 1 2014 - 3 Sivan- 5774

Yeshiva Derech Chaim 39th annual Dinner  Sunday June 1st, 2014
The Palace 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn
Reception 5:30 Mincha 6:15 Dinner 6:30
remembering Harav Mordechai Rennert zatzal

Lakewood Cheder Bais Faiga School 48th annual Dinner Sunday June, 1st 2014
Lake Terrace hall Lakewood, NJ
Reception 6:15 Dinner 7:15 pm

Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury 14th annual Dinner
Terrace on the Park,  52-11 111th street Flushing meadows park, New York , NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Ruach Chaim Dinner 19th Annual Dinner Sunday June 1, 2014
(Young Israel of Avenue K, 2818 Avenue K Brooklyn, NY 11210 ?)
Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Sunday May 25, 2014 - 25 Iyar- 5774
Yeshiva Torah Vadaath 95th annual Dinner
The palace 870 McDonald Avenue , Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30
Torah Vodaas

Yeshiva Meon Hatorah Roosevelt 9th annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel, Fort Lee, NJ

Monday May 26, 2014- 26 Iyar 5774
Yesiva Novominsk 30th annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall, Brooklyn, NY

Mosdos Veretzky 29th annual Dinner
Marine park Golf course 2880 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 

Edison Yeshiva Dinner
Renaissance woodbridge hotel 515 US highway 1 Iselin NJ
Tuesday May 27, 2014 27 Iyar 5774
Agudath Israel of America 92nd annual Dinner
Hilton, New York honoring Rubin Schron
Agudah dinner email dinner@agudathisrael.org
7:30 pm
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio will speak up.

Yeshiva Zichron melech Rav Chaim Epstein 68th annual Dinner
Kings Terrace  815 Kings highway Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm
Wednesday May 28, 2014  28 Iyar 5774

Yeshiva of Spring Valley 71 annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel 455 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY
Reception 7: pm Dinner 7:45 pm

Bais Yaakov D'Rav Meir, 70th Annual Dinner
Kings Terrace  815 Kings highway Brooklyn, NY

Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Sharei Torah-Monsey 37th annual Dinner
Atrium Plaza rt 59- 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Ohavei Torah Riverdale 15th anniversary Dinner
Glenpointe Marriott, 100 Frank W Burr blvd, Teaneck, NJ
Reception 6:30 Dinner 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Gedolah of Monroe, NJ- 12th anniversary Dinner
The Renaissance ballroom 5902 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Sunday May 4, 2014 - 4 Iyar- 5774

Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel 31st annual Dinner
Kings terrace 
815 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:00 Dinner 6:30 pm

Sunday March  30, 2014 - 28 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshiva Yagdil Torah of Yerushalayim annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30  bus from Lakewood leaving at 4:30 pm from 10th and Clifton

Yeshiva Ohr hameir of Peekskill Mir  annual Dinner
Empire Meadowlands hotel, 2 Harmon plaza, Secaucus, NJ 07094
Reception 6:15 pm Dinner 7:15 pm

Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael 32nd annual Dinner

Sunday March  23, 2014 - 21 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim annual Dinner
New York Brooklyn Marriott Hotel
333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:00 pm  Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda - Lakewood inagural Dinner
Tiferes Bais Yaakov Hall Reception 6:45 pm Dinner: 7:30 pm

Sunday March  9, 2014 - 7 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshiva Tiferes Boruch, Springfield yeshiva Gedolah-building expansion Dinner
Double tree Hilton Newark airport hotel 128 frontage rd, Newark, NJ 07114
Reception 6:00 pm

Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia annual Dinner- Philly
Hilton Garden inn 1100 South Avenue at Lois Lane Staten Island, NY
reception 5:30 pm

(To accommodate talmidim going to the atzeres in Manhattan,  the yeshiva will have light refreshments upon return from the atzeres. Smart idea to park in Staten Island and take the Ferry to Manhattan and back for the dinner.)

Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic-  41 Annual Dinner
Hilton Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ

Sunday February  23, 2014 - 23 Adar 1 5774

Yeshiva and Mesivta of Long Beach annual Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall, Williamsburg
Reception 6 pm

Sunday February  16, 2014 - 16 Adar 1 5774
Yeshiva Torah Ore -annual Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Reception 5:00pm  Dinner 6:30 pm

Talmudical academy  Yeshiva of Adelphia 43rd annual Dinner,
Woodlake country club, 25 New Hampshire Ave Lakewood, NJ
Reception 6 pm Dinner 7 pm

Yeshiva gedolah kesser Torah annual Dinner

February  22nd Motzei shabbos
Yeshiva gedolah Moreshes yehoshua -Tribute Dinner- Horav Dovid Trenk
TorasEmes hall,1904 Avenue N , Brooklyn, NY 11230
Dinner 8:30PM

Sunday February  9, 2014 - 9 Adar 1 5774
Yeshiva of Telshe alumnai- Riverdale annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel, 455 South Broadway Tarrytown, NY
reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Sunday December 29, 2013-26 Teves 5774
Yeshiva Darchei Torah annual Dinner

Sunday December 22, 2013-19 Teves 5774

Beth Medrah Govoha- Lakewood Yeshiva annual Dinner
Brooklyn Marriott hotel.

Sunday December 15, 2013-12 Teves 5774

Yeshiva gedolah of Detroit Dinner/ Hachnosas sefer Torah
Leaving from Home of Rebbetzin Bakst  1:30 pm 24621 Harding
Dinner 6:45 pm RSVP 248-968-3360

Yeshiva Passaic Torah institute 18th annual Dinner

Sunday November 24, 2013 - 21 Kislev 5774

Rabbinical seminary of America- Yeshiva Chofetz chaim of queens annual Dinner
Terrace on the park, Flushing, NY

Ponovez Yeshiva -Botei Avos 73rd annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall 1415 54th street, Brooklyn, NY
reception 6 pm Dinner 7 pm

Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin annual Dinner

Sunday November 17, 2013 - 14 Kislev 5774

Mirrer Yeshiva Brooklyn annual Dinner
The Palace 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn
Reception 5:30 shiur 6:00 Dinner 6:30

Mir Yeshiva Yerushalayim-  borough park Dinner for Chasidishe olam 
with RavLazer Yudel Finkel , Live hook up from EY with Rav Asher Arieli
Ateres Golda Chaya Boro park- f

Yeshiva gedolah of South Monsey 20th anniversary Dinner- Rabbi Lieff
Valley Terace 121 college road, Suffern, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30

Yeshivas Toras Moshe- yerushalayim 31st Anniversary Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall Williamsburg, Brooklyn http://torasmoshe.adjournal.com/event.aspx

Sunday November 10th, 2013  - 7 Kislev 5774

Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim/ Yeshiva of Staten Island 107th anniversary Dinner
Sunday November 10th- New York Marriott Brooklyn
reception at 5:00 pm
212-964-2830- MTJ Reservations.

Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood yeshiva Fall Luncheon- For women
Lipschitz hall  5000 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY
12:30 pm- 3:30 pm

Shidduchim, segulos tefilos, websites, general information, Lists of Shadchanim and places to go.

In response to the so called shidduch crisis we present general shidduch information that can be helpful for both parents and singles currently in the parsha. While most of the yeshiviah world and torah community deal with the parsha the old fashion way with a shadchan and a telephone, there are resources available online that can save time and make the process easier.  Many new  indirect shidduch websites have been developed and geared especially for the yeshiva community with backing of Rabbonim.

Shidduch shadchan site   http://shidduchworld.org/
Shidduch website             http://www.inshidduchim.com/
Shidduch dating website   http://bashert.net/
General shidduch info      http://www.shidduchim.info/
List of shidduch age boys http://shidduchimlist.com/
References for boys- rebbeim in yeshivohttp://shidduchimlist.com/references.asp
List of shadchanim           http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/chassidishe-shadchanim
Places to go on shidduch dates   http://www.mikomos.com/wiki/Main_Page

Segulos and Tefillos for Shidduchim

  • Recite all of Shir HaShirim every day for forty days (preferably after chatzos, or before sunrise)
  • Daven for 40 consecutive days at the Kosel
  • Recite from Nishmas Kol Chai (נשמת כל חי) until the end of of Shabbos Pesukei D'Zimrah (פסוקי דזמרה) at the Kotel, at midnight.
  • Daven at the kever (grave) of Rabbi Yonasan ben Uziel in Amukah, Israel (neat Tsfat)
  • Daven on behalf of someone else who needs a shidduch
  • Collect shards from plates broken at the signing of tena'im
  • Recite the tehillim listed below each day (see below)
  • Recite all of Sefer Tehillim at chatzos (halachic midnight) on Purim night
  • Recite Shiras HaYam (the song of the crossing of the Red Sea) with great concentration. (Sefer Hamidos)
  • Recite the Torah section dealing with the inaugural sacrifices brought by the heads of the Twelve Tribes. (Numbers, Chapt. 7:1-7:89) (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)
  • Recite Perek Shira every each day
  • Study the halachos of Shmiros HaLashon (see below)
  • Give tzedakah to Hachnosas Kallah funds
  • Become a teacher (or tutor) of Torah
  • Do mitzvos or minhagim that will increase your love for Hashem
  • Receive the Chasan Breishis (חתן בראשית) aliyah on Simchas Torah
  • Obtain a bracha for marriage from a tzadik or your rebbe
  • Increase the intensity of your tefilos
  • (Men: Recite Kiddush Levanah, the sanctification of the New Moon)
  • (Women: Hold the candle during havdalah. The height of the raised candle will be the height of your chasan. Or so they say :-))
 Tefillos for finding a shidduch HERE
32 38 70 71 72 82 121 124   
Note: It's especially propitious to recite Psalm 121 before stepping back after the Shemoneh Esrei.

Shidduch Blogs HERE

Are MO families more affected by President Barack Obama’s proposed tax reforms than the Ultra Orthodox?

 A report in the Times of Israel claims the proposed tax reforms in the 2015 budget will have an impact on MO families due to the ratio of higher day school tuition coupled with the fact that they are in a higher income bracket than other segments of orthodox Jewry. In truth, the Yeshivish crowd may be just as affected or even more so.

 For Orthodox Jews in the United States, President Barack Obama’s proposed tax reforms present a numbers-crunching paradox: Income he designates as well-off may mean just getting by for large families.
Obama’s 2015 budget, which was introduced Monday, aims to offset economic breaks to upper-income families to help working- and middle-class Americans, a key goal of his State of the Union address. The reforms would fund most tax breaks and social services by increasing taxes on those in the higher brackets. For Orthodox Jews, the fastest growing segment of Judaism according to a 2013 Pew Research Center study of American Jewry, higher taxes for households making more than $100,000 per year can strain finances already challenged by day school tuitions and the burdens of feeding larger-than-average families. The Pew report showed that despite their relatively small population — making up only 10 percent of the Jewish population in the United States — families that consider themselves modern Orthodox reported higher incomes than others in the Jewish community, with 37 percent having household incomes of more than $150,000.

Nathan Diament, who directs the advocacy branch of the Orthodox Union on state and federal policy matters, attributed the trend to Orthodox parents being “driven to higher paying professions because they know that they want to pay for day school education for the three, four or five children that they’re having.”

Costs involved in having a large family and providing all of their children with private Jewish educations often drive Orthodox Jews into a middle- or working-class lifestyle. The current tax system caps child care benefits and per-child tax deductions for all income levels, reducing benefits as family income increases.

“That’s a huge challenge, and it’s very much the case that if you are in the Modern Orthodox community and you’re making $200,000 or even $300,000 a year, you’re struggling,” Diament said. “That’s very difficult to say and we’re aware that it’s much higher than the average income in the United States, but if you’re paying tuitions of $20,000 to $30,000 a year per child and you have four or five children, it’s very, very challenging.

“It’s already the case that those tuition dollars are not accounted for in a tax-favored sort of way,” he added, “and it is [also] the case that many tax breaks are phased out” at the $100,000 level.

‘It’s very much the case that if you are in the Modern Orthodox community and you’re making $200,000 or even $300,000 a year, you’re struggling’

Obama’s budget aims to reduce the gap between working- and middle-class Americans and the higher-income families by tripling the per-child tax incentive and providing a $500 tax break to dual-income earners among other tax incentives ranging from child care to retirement.

To pay for its reforms, Obama’s plan would raise the capital gains tax to 28 percent for revenue greater than $200,000 a year; increase fees on large financial institutions; and close the “trust fund” loophole that lets individuals pass on tax-free assets to their heirs.

“By ensuring those at the top pay their fair share in taxes, the president’s plan responsibly pays for investments we need to help middle class families get ahead,” a White House fact sheet released shortly before the complete budget explained.

Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, said Obama’s approach fails to take into account lifestyle and regional discrepancies.

“I think it’s a more general question of what does income represent in terms of lifestyle,” Williams said, noting that “$200,000 in New York City doesn’t buy you nearly as much as it does in Indiana.”

‘$200,000 in New York City doesn’t buy you nearly as much as it does in Indiana’

Williams said the government rarely factors lifestyle choices, such as how many children a family wants to have or whether they send their children to private school, into its bracket calculations.

“We all make lots of decisions about what we do with our personal lives,” he said. “In general, the tax code does not take into account of a lot of those [issues]. So people who choose to have lots of kids, it’s a private choice.”

Despite the president’s increased child care credit, which applies fully to children younger than 5 and then is reduced significantly until largely disappearing once a child turns 13, there is a cap on the total amount of child credits a family can claim.

In the current tax code, families can claim $3,000 per child up to a total cap of $6,000. Each additional child after the second does not receive tax credit.

Jason Fichtner, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, said the economic and cultural definitions of the term “middle class” differed significantly.

Presidential budgets, submitted for the approval of Congress, rarely survive intact

“The American public has a much different view of what is middle-class than an economist or a statistician might,” Fichtner said via email. “Middle usually describes an average or a median to someone familiar with statistics. But when it comes to income and American culture, the ‘middle-class’ is very wide and includes professionals making $30,000 a year all the way up to families with combined incomes of $400,000.”

Presidential budgets, submitted for the approval of Congress, rarely survive intact, especially when the opposing party controls both chambers like the Republicans do now.

Mark McNulty, communications director for the Republican Jewish Coalition, said that what Republicans are calling class-driven tax policies are “bad for the American people.”

“Redistribution is never a good thing,” he said. “What we want to do is raise all boats and create prosperity for everybody, and I don’t think Obama’s policies do any of that.”

Rabbi Jonah Pesner, the new director of the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, said a degree of redistribution made Jewish sense.

“Our core work is about that Deuteronomic vision of the widow, the orphan and the stranger, and those tax policies that will actually measurably impact and improve the lives of poor people, and frankly, that would generate economic activity that would improve the wider landscape for all Americans,” he said.

Appreciating Hatzolah

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to cut down the time it takes for ambulances to respond to emergencies in New York City. The average response time was 6 minutes 50 seconds in 2014, 3 seconds higher than the previous year. City officials said their goal is to cut the average to 6 minutes, 30 seconds. The response time begins not when the call is made but from when the Ambulance leaves the station. Hatzolah has a 4 minute response time from when the call is received these few minutes can mean the difference between life and death in the event of a heart attack R'L.
Top Gear, a British television series about motor vehicles, primarily cars, and is the most widely watched factual television programme in the world mentioned Hatzolah's quick response time.

Holy Rollers

YTK-There’s a new kosher sausage cart launching in midtown Manhattan today — HOLY ROLLERS — both the first Glatt kosher meat cart and the first kosher sausage cart (or truck). Holy Rollers is Glatt kosher certified under the OU. You can order the Judah, Yisro, or the Noah among others.

The main sausages available will be Polish, Cajun, and Sweet Italian, with other menu items available such as Double Dogs, Grilled Chicken, and Pulled Brisket all served inside fresh hoagies.

The menu includes 14 items, which combine a meat choice (listed above) with a combo of toppings, sauces, and veggies that include: chili, pastrami, BBQ sauce, ketchup, garlic mayo, mustard, Sriracha, lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, etc. If you can think of any combination of the above ingredients, they’ll make it for you. [Scroll Down for the complete menu options]  The sausages are made by the cart’s owners at a location in NJ.

Current hours of operation are 10:30am – 5/6pm — but be prepared to find the cart at other locations around the city at night.
The cart will be taking a position on the NW corner of 48th st & 6th Ave. around the corner from the Diamond District during the daytime.
Adam – Polish Sausage, Brisket, Tomato, Lettuce, Grilled Onions, Garlic Mayo & Ketchup
Simon – Cajun Sausage, Brisket, Tomato, Lettuce, Onions, Garlic Mayo & BBQ Sauce
Levi – Sweet Italian Sausage, Pastrami, Lettuce, Garlic Mayo, BBQ Sauce & Ketchup
Moe – Cajun Sausage, Chilli, Tomato, Sriracha, Ketchup, BBQ Sauce & Garlic Mayo
Abe – Polish Sausage, Pastrami, Chilli, Garlic Mayo, Mustard & BBQ Sauce
Ike – Sweet Italian Sausage, Chilli, Lettuce, Tomato, BBQ Sauce & Ketchup
Judah – Pulled Brisket, Pastrami, Grilled Onions, Lettuce, Tomato, Mustard & Garlic Mayo
Jake – Pulled Brisket, Chilli, Lettuce, Grilled Onions, Ketchup, BBQ Sauce & Garlic Mayo
Noah – Double Dogs, Double Brisket, Double Pastrami, Double Chilli, Grilled Onions, Lettuce, Tomato, Ketchup, Garlic Mayo, Mustard & BBQ Sauce
Joe – Grilled Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Grilled Onions, Garlic Mayo & BBQ Sauce
Jethro – Grilled Chicken, Chilli, Lettuce, Grilled Onions, Garlic Mayo & BBQ Sauce
Ben – Grilled Chicken, Pastrami, Lettuce, Tomato, Garlic Mayo & Mustard
Samson Salad – Grilled Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato, Grilled Onions, Garlic Mayo, BBQ Sauce & Mustard
The Holy Roller - Sausage Of Your Choice, Brisket, Pastrami, Chilli, Tomato, Grilled onions

Agudath Israel of America National Board of Trustees Leadership Mission Washington, DC


For more PHOTOS click HERE
Members of Agudath Israel of America's National Board of Trustees convened in the nation's capital to meet with Congressional leaders to advocate on issues ranging from the security of Israel, Iran sanctions, the alarming rise of global anti-Semitism, funding for homeland security and the advancement of school choice.

front row R-L Rabbis- Ralph Rieder, Laibish Becker, Shlomo Gertzulin, Chaim D. Zwiebel, Shlomo Werdiger, Abba Cohen, Leon Melohn, Standing back row L-R Moshe Gold, A.D Motzen, Ronald Wilhelm, Yatty Weinreb, Aron Tessler, Leon Goldenberg, Chaskell Benett, Dr. David Diamond, Hashi Herzka, Chaim Leshkowitz, Shimon Lefkowitz, Duvie Gross, Ralph Zucker, Jan Loeb, Ariel Sadwin,
The Mission opened with a private dinner Tuesday evening in the U.S. Capitol with Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) member Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Ron Johnson (R- WI) Chairman Homeland Security Committee, and Senator Robert Menendez (D- NJ) ranking member Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Meetings on Capital Hill are scheduled for Wednesday with key members of the Senate and House. Agudath Israel's intense legislative advocacy effort comes at a particularly sensitive moment in Washington.

Agudath Israel Board Chairman, Shlomo Werdiger, and Mission Chairman, Leon Melohn, both explained why Agudath Israel trustees came to Washington from across the country. "Crucial decisions will be made at the highest levels of government that may impact the Jewish people for generations to come. It is imperative that we add our voice and relay our deep concern to government leaders."

Yeshiva and Torah world under assault, but we will only prosper and grow

The enemies within are going full force. The bloggers and their ilk are on a all out attack on the charedi and kollel life style. Article after article, blog post after blog post bashing, poking fun of our way of life. From the middle of the road blogger to other "frum" websites our way of life is questioned, ridiculed and mocked.  Let them scream all they want, Torah and yeshivos will continue to flourish, Kolelim are growing in many communities across the US. The havtacha of
לא ימושו מפיך, ומפי זרעך, ומפי זרע זרעך,  is as strong as ever. We must stand up,  strengthe and be mechazek the lomdei torah and the supporters of Torah not to have doubts by the detractors, and continue in their avodas hakodesh.

Its a Magaifa- Blame charedim and the frum

Charedim dont vaccinate their children, Charedim protect child molesters, Charedim are to blame and are at fault. The OU and RCA issued a statement  urging all parents to vaccinate their healthy children on the timetable recommended by their pediatrician. There is a huge movement out there opposing vaccinations. Its found in the secular world too, as much as it is by the MO and yeshivish crowd. However, the blogs and moms basement commentators, were quick to point out how the frum ultra orthodox are the ones not vaccinating their children. Same with child molestation, the problem exists in all segments of society but they love pointing out and blaming the frum and ultra orthodox for covering up and protecting molesters. Recently Matzav.com which considers itself the online voice of Torah Jewry, has been posting articles about events hosted by JCW a MO organization spreading awareness of abuse. The frum community have their own way of dealing with it.(no not by covering up) It has somehow become more of an issue in the frum world as apposed to other communities. Why is Matzav adapting a MO approach to the issue. A prominent askan who spearheaded a zero-tolerance policy
for child sex abuse in Cleveland, gave a spontaneous speech after being moved by the other speakers’ willingness to share their stories. He used the Hebrew word “maggephah” to describe the plague of child sex abuse he has witnessed in the community. I dont have the numbers to call it a magaifa. But the magaifa is right here online- spreading lies and blaming the frum Torah Jews with shmutz, defaming and ridiculing their way of life.

Thousands of Bais Yaakov girls to attend event at Barclays center in Brooklyn

On March 17, 2015 - 25 Adar 5775 The Barclay center in Downtown Brooklyn will fill up with thousands of woman and Bais Yaakov girls to commemorate the 80th yartzheit of  Sara Schneirer founder of the Bais Yaakov movement. For more info and ticket information call 718-851-2900

Shas - a- Thon live 2015 entire shas under one roof sponsored by: A Time

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