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Rav Aaron Feldman letter regarding annuling a marriage.

 הרב אהרן פלדמן
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Rosh Hayeshiva   ראש הישיבה                                                                            
Ner Israel Rabbinical College                                                                             ישיבת נר ישראל

בס"ד ז מרחשון תשע"ו בלטימאר יצ"ו

לגדולי התורה וההוראה היושבים על מדין די בכל אתר ואתר:

דבר חמור נפל בישראל לפני כמה שבועות העלול לערער את קדושת האישות בישראל, ומכיון שהפרטים ידועים לי ואני חש אחריות כלפי שמיא ונגד ישראל לעשות כל מה שבכוחי לתקן את הענין, באתי בזה להציע את הפרטים בפניכם כדי שאוכל לקבל חוות דעתכם על הענין.

הנידון הוא האשה תמר אפשטיין אשת אהרן פרידמן שבעלה זה רבות בשנים אינו מסכים לתת לה גט מחמת סכסוך ביניהם על אחזקת ילדתם. לפני כמה שבועות אחד הרבנים המובהקים והחשובים באמריקא התיר אותה להנשא לאיש אחר, ואף סידר את הקידושין ביניהם, מבלי שקיבלה גט פיטורין מבעלה. 
כששאלתי את הרה”ג לטעם הדבר, אמר לי שביסס את הוראותו על כתב שהגישו לו מרופא פסיכיאטור מומחה הקובע שבעלה סובל מהפרעות אישיות פראנאידיות1  וכפיתתיות2 מאז שהתחתנה אתו, ושההפרעות האלה אינן ניתנות לרפואה. אשר על כן הקידושין בטלין ומבוטלין למפרע כדין מקח טעות.

על הכרעה זו יש לי כמה פקפוקים שאסדר אותם אחת לאחת.
מקודם על הטענה שלבעל היו לו הפרעות אישיות בשעת הקידושין.
א) ביררתי שהאשה דנה לפני הב"ד בבלטימאר מקדמת דנא לבקש גט מבעלה. הב"ד חקרו אותה למה רצתה להתגרש ומעולם לא טענה שהסיבה לבקשתה היתה מפני שבעלה סובל מהפרעות אישיות. אדרבה היא רק טענה בפני הב"ד (כפי שהעידו בפני שני חברי הב"ד —והשלישי איננו) שחסר לו בכושר חברתי (not socially adept) ולכן רוצה להתגרש ממנו, וגם בדיונים על אחזקת הילדה הסכימה שהילדה תימסר לבעלה לתקופות מסוימות, שמשמע מזה שלא חשבה שהוא בלתי נורמלי. וכן לפי הדו"ח הרשמי של בית המשפט בדיונים על אחזקת הילדים שהיו לאחר מכן לא טענה מעולם שלא היה נורמלי. כל זה מוכיח שלא היו לו בעיות נפשיות. ואפילו אם תימצי לומר שהיו לו, הרי סברה וקיבלה.
ב) שנית אמרו לי חברי הב"ד שהאשה סיפרה בפניהם שבתחילת נישואיה לקחה כדורים נגד היריון אבל לאחרי כשמונה חדשים החליטה שהיא רוצה ילד והפסיקה לקחת אותם ובאמת ילדה לתקופת הימים. כל זה מוכיח שאף אם היו לו הפרעות נפשיות סברה וקיבלה.
על טענה של סברה וקיבלה ענה לי הרה”ג הנ"ל: נכון, היא חשבה שיש תרופה למחלתו ולכן לא חזרה מיד מהקידושין אבל ברגע שהרופא אמר לה שאין לו רפואה (אחרי הרבה שנים) חוברר הדבר למפרע שהקידושין היו בטעות. עד כאן דברי הרב.
האמת שלפי כתב הרופא המומחה, הרופא האחר שטיפל באשה כבר הודיע לה שאין תרופה למחלתו בדצמבר 2007., ורק במרץ 2008, אחרי ארבעה חדשים החליטה לעזוב את בעלה סופית.3 הרי מוכח שהיתה כאן סברה וקיבלה גם אחרי שנודע לה שבעלה חולה שאין לו תרופה.
המומחה מנסה לפרש שלא היתה כאן סברה וקיבלה וכותב ש"הרושם שלו"ש"הפירוש הכי טוב"הוא במה ששלא עזבה אותו מיד הוא מחמת חוסר ביטחון עצמי, לחצים ואי-החלטיות. כמובן ה"רושם"שלו אינו מספיק להתיר אשת איש, כשרואים בפנינו שסברה וקיבלה.

לפענ"ד גם אם המציאות היתה שברגע שנודע לה שאי אפשר לרפאות אותו החליטה סופית לעזוב אותו (דבר שכנ"ל אני מפקפק בו מאד) יש לדון טובא בטענת הרה"ג שאין כאן סברה וקיבלה למפרע, דאע"פ שעל קנינים יש דין של מקח טעות, אבל סברה וקיבלה אי אפשר לעקור ע"י טענת טעות, שמשנודע ללוקח על החסרון שיש במקח והסכים אליו, אדעתא דהכי סבר וקיבל ואי אפשר לטעון שוב שלא ידעתי שלא אוכל לסבול את החסרון דאל"כ תמיד אין כאן סברה וקיבלה שיכול הלוקח לומרשלא ידעתי שאכל לסבול את החסרון, וכן מוכח ממשנה כתובות עז א'.4

בענין הנאמנות של כתב הרופא:
א) ראיתי את הכתב שעליו סמך הרה”ג הנ"ל את הוראתו. הרופא המומחה מודה שמעולם לא פגש את הבעל ורק את האשה. הכתב שלו (כפי שכותב) מבוסס על עדותו של רופא אחר שטיפל באשה (ואולי גם בבעל—אין זה ברור) בעבר. הרופא הפסיכיאטור המומחה קבע את דעתו על פי עובדות ששמע מהאשה על התנהגותו של הבעל, כמו: כעסו, קמצנותו, פחדיו, דאגותיו, וכו'שכולם מוכיחים שיש לו המחלות הנ"ל שהן, לדעת הרופא, בלתי הפיכות.
חוץ מזה יש לפקפק על נאמנותו של הרופא. הוא קיבל כסף ע"מ לכתוב חוות דעתו וידע שמטרתה היתה להשיג ביטול הקידושין לאשה למפרע מהרבנים. (כן אמר לי האיש שהשיג את הכתב מן הרופא.) וכן מוכח מהכתב עצמו כמבואר למעלה.
ב)עוד יתכן שהאשה קיבלה הוראות ממומחה אחר איך להציג את האישיות של בעלה והמציאה את כל הסיפורים שהרופא מצטט כדי לבטל את הקידושין.
ג)הרבה מהסיפורים שמהם מוכיח הרופא שהבעל אינו נורמלי עד כדי שאין לו רפואה קרו לאחרי הנישואין. מהיכי תיתי שהמחלה, אם היתה, לא התפתחה אחרי הקידושין, שאז כמובן אין כאן ביטול קידושין?

ועל עצם ההוראה יש לי לשאול:
א)הרופא המומחה כפי שנשמע אינו שומר תו"מ. הנאמנות שלו היא מצד אומן דלא מרע אומנתיה. האם חזקה זו מספיקה, ובפרט, ע"פ מה שהעיד זה שהשיג את הכתב כלעיל, שמטרתו היתה לשחרר אותה מנישואיה, לבטל את חזקת אשת איש?
ב)האם לא היה ראוי שהרה"ג הנ"ל יבקש חוות דעת של עוד רופא מומחה שיפגוש את הבעל עצמו ויקבע אם הוא סובל מהמחלות האלה? הלא מאד יתכן שרופא שני לא יגיע לאותה המסקנא של הרופא הראשון, כמו שקורה כידוע הרבה פעמים בדיונים לפני ב"ד ולהבדיל לפני בתי משפט?

מחמת כל זה נלענ"ד שאין לסמוך בכלל על היתרו של הרה”ג הנ"ל ושהאשה בחזקת אשת איש גמורה ואסורה לכל אדם עד שיתבררו הדברים בבית דין כדת וכדין, ובינתיים היא צריכה לפרוש מ"בעלה"השני ואם תתעבר בניה יהיו בחזקת ממזרים עדי שיתירום ב"ד כדת וכדין לאחר בירור הדברים. ואם יש מישהו שחולק עלי, עליו להביא את טענותיו לפני ב"ד כזה שידונו בדבריו.

והנה נפשי בשאלתי ועמי בבקשתי לבקש מכת"ר שישתתפו אתי במחאתי אם נראים דברי להם. כי בנפשי הדבר למחות כדי שלא אתפס בעוון אשת איש ובעצמי לבד בלי ציבור של ת"ח אתי לא תתקבל מחאתי. אבל גם עמי בבקשתי, כי ע"י הוראה זו יפתח פתח לכל עמי הארץ שבארצנו לפסוק על ביטול קידושין מטעמים כאלה מפוקפקים ותהרס ח"ו קדושת ישראל. עד עכשיו היו כמה נסיונות ע"י רבנים שלא קרו ולא שנו ולא שמשו ת"ח לעשות כן אבל המחאות של רבני הציבור השתיקו אותם. עכשיו ע"י היתר זה היוצא מבית מדרשו של רה”ג חשוב ומובהק נתפרדה החבילה אם לא נמחה.
נוסף לזה, בעיני הציבור הרה”ג הנ"ל נתמך ע"י אחד מזקני ראשי הישיבה של הדור ובנו שהוא גם ת"ח חשוב, ואם כי הם מכחישים זאת,  בודאי הרבה יסמכו על השמועות להתיר איסורי אשת איש ע"פ השיטה הזאת, שהרי לדעתם כבר הורה כן גדול בתורה.

הנני מסיים בברכה שיגדור ה'את פרצותינו ושישכין בתוכנו את שכינתו ושלא נבוש ולא נכשל לעולם,

אהרן פלדמן

נ.ב. אם כת"ר מסכים עם הנ"ל אבקש שיודיע לי ע"פ הכתובת למעלה.

1 Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
2 Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD).
3 עמוד 6-7 של כתב המומחה.
4 משנה כתבות עז א'שאשה שנישאה לבעל פוליפוס והמקמץ והמצרף נחושת והבורסי וכו'ועל כולן אמר רבי מאיר אע"פ שהתנה עמה יכולה היא שתאמר סבורה הייתי שאני יכולה לקבל ועכשיו איני יכולה לקבל וחכ"א וכו'ויעו"ש שכל הנידון אם ע"י טענה זו של סבורה הייתי וכו'כופין אותו ליתן גט אבל מעולם לא 

Thousands of Chabad shluchim from around the world have gathered in Brooklyn

 Thousands of Chabad shluchim from around the world have gathered in Brooklyn this weekend for their annual leadership convention. More than 5,000 shluchim the wives have a separate convention in January came from 86 countries around the world. They are from as near as Long Island and the Bronx  and from as far as Thailand and Congo. The center point of the convention was at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, home of the World Lubavitch Headquarters.
One focus of the conference was the growth of Jewish life on college campuses, and how to further expand activities. On Friday, they visited the kever of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, Harav Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in Queens. The gala dinner was on Sunday evening at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal in Sunset Park. Moishy Holtzberg, the sole survivor of the Chabad family murdered al kiddush Hashem seven years ago in a terror attack on the Mumbai Chabad center, led the gathering in Tehillim. Hamodia

Kosherfest gets underway for 2015

New product showcase at Kosherfest 2015
Secaucus NJ – Thousands of food industry representatives from around the globe are converging on this city for the 27th edition of Kosherfest which opens tomorrow morning at the Meadowlands Exposition Center. The show opens with a State of the Kosher Industry by Menachem Lubinsky, founder and co-producer of Kosherfest. He will be followed by a Taste of Israel Presentation, sponsored by the Israel Export Institute. Just before the official opening at 10 a.m., the 2015 winners of Kosherfest’s 2015 New Product Competition will receive their awards. When the show opens, trade visitors will browse some of the 400 booths (90 new exhibits) at the show. An estimated 6000 people from around the world are expected to visit the show on Tuesday and Wednesday.
In addition to the exhibits there will be interesting slate of special events. On the first day, the events will include: The Kosher Kitchen, a culinary demonstration from Chef Araik Grigorvan (Maranti), Chef Isaac Bernstein (Pomegranate Supermarket), and Chef Joshua Massin (Nobo Wine & Grill); The Author’s Corner. On the Second Day the events include: Culinary Demonstration by Levana Kirschenbaum; Kosherfest’s 8th Annual Culinary Competition.

Kosherfest takes place at a time of continued growth for the kosher food industry. Industry sources say that 2014 saw an approximate 10% – 12% national growth with areas like New York and New Jersey showing near 15% growth.

R"Y sign a letter in Hafkoas kiddushin case

Agudah convention convenes tomorrow night sessions will be broadcast live

Hagaon Harav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein, zt”l

Rav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein Zt''l
The Torah world was plunged into mourning Wednesday afternoon (Israel time) with the petirah of Hagaon Harav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Grodna in Ashdod. The Rosh Yeshivah was 81 at his petirah. The Rosh Yeshivah had been ill and was hospitalized several times over the last months. He was niftar in the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. His levayah departed the Grodna Yeshivah in Ashdod, and continued on to Yerushalayim, where the Rosh Yeshivah was buried on Har Hamenuchos, near his wife, Rebbetzin Pesiah, a”h, and his only son, Harav Chanoch, zt”l.

As per the will of the niftar, there were no hespedim.

Harav Dov Tzvi was born on 17 Tammuz 5694/1934, in Yerushalayim, to Harav Yerucham Fishel and Rebbetzin Ashirah Devorah Reichel. His maternal grandfather was Harav Menachem Mendel Porush, z”l. His family resided in the Shaarei Chessed neighborhood, where in his earliest youth the young Dov Tzvi merited to bask in the presence of the Gedolim who lived in the area.
Later, the family moved to Bnei Brak where Rav Yeruchem Fishel had accepted the position of menhale of the Talmud Torah Rabi Akiva in the Zichron Meir neighborhood.  The niftar soon forged a very close relationship with the Chazon Ish, with whom he learned b’chavrusa for four years.

For the rest of his life he was makpid to follow all the rulings and teachings of the Chazon Ish, both in halachah and in hashkafah.

He  later joined the Ponevezh Yeshivah, and became a close talmid of the Rosh Yeshivah, Hagaon Harav Elazar Menachem Shach, zt”l, a relationship that continued to flourish for decades to come.

When he became of age, Harav Dov Tzvi married Rebbetzin Pesiah, the daughter of Harav Shmuel Baruch Werner, zt”l, who served as a Dayan in Tel Aviv. In 5726/1966, he was appointed by Harav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the Ponevezher Rav, to serve as Rosh Yeshivah in the newly formed Grodna Yeshivah in Ashdod. He served as Rosh Yeshivah until his petirah, for close to fifty years, teaching multitudes of talmidim.

He also led numerous battles for the sanctity of the city of Ashdod. When he was told that a particular effort he was waging might harm the interests of the yeshivah, he responded by paraphrasing the Brisker Rav, “before I am a Rosh Yeshivah, I am a Yid. Therefore, I can’t take such calculations into account.”

Twenty years ago, Rebbetzin Pesiah was killed in a tragic car accident in Ashdod. Harav Dov Tzvi suffered yet another tragedy several years later, with the petirah of his only son, Harav Chanoch, who was Rosh Yeshivah in Yeshivas Pressburg in Yerushalayim, at the age of forty-­two. He is survived by his daughters, Rebbetzin Gittel Shmide, wife of Harav Moshe Shmide, who is a Rosh Yeshivah in Grodna; Rebbetzin Dinah Ettinger, wife of Harav Baruch Mordechai Ettinger, Rosh Yeshivah, Knesses Yechezkel, Elad; and Rebbetzin Miriam Eizenthal, wife of Harav Ehud Eizenthal, Rosh Kollel, Zichron Yosef. Hamodia

Video: Novominsker Rebbe at kever Rochel

Agudah launches convention website and news feed

While still not having an official website the Agudah has been very active on social media and other  online outlets. The 2015 Agudah convention will be broadcast live at the agudah convention website www.yourconvention.org. In addition those interested in following up to date news and information can follow the agudah twitter feed at @agudahnews. A website with the Torah hashkafos such as an online version of the previous Jewish Observer would do a lot to spread daas torah and counter all the non sense from the bloggers and the left.

Watch Agudah convention live stream hookup Thursday night Keynote 2015

Jewish Rabbi stabbed in MIlan

A 40-year-old Israeli man was attacked and stabbed multiple times while walking in Milan, Italy. Initial reports say he attacked by three Arab assailents – one of whom may have been a woman. The victim was rushed to the hospital in serious condition.

The victim was identified as 40-year-old Natan Graph, who is the son-in-law of local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Levi Hezkia.

Local newspaper Corriere della Sera reports that he was walking on San Gimignano Avenue near a Jewish School and restaurant when he was accosted by a group of three Arabs – one of them possibly a woman – and was stabbed repeatedly in his back, chest and face.

He was rushed to the Niguarada Hospital and was listed in ‘yellow’ [moderate] condition and is expected to survive.

Police believe that the victim was attacked because of his Jewish appearance, and have yet to apprehend any of the assailents.

The public is asked to say tehillim for Natan ben Chana Sara

Thursday night at the 93rd Agudath Israel Convention

Convention photos HERE and HERE

STAMFORD, CT - Laymen askanim and  businessmen mingled with Gedolim and Rabbanim as the 93rd annual convention of Agudath Israel of America commenced Thursday, at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stamford, CT.

The keynote session of the convention on Thursday evening was chaired by Raphael Zucker, chairman of the board of Agudath Israel of New Jersey. The Thursday night session is focused on the theme of leadership, addressing the timely question of “How to Lead and When to Follow.”
Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, delivered greetings on behalf of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America. A special guest expected at the convention is the Sadigura Rebbe of Bnei Brak, shlita, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Eretz Yisroel.

Rav Kamenetsky said that in the parashas hashavuah, Parashas Toldos, we learn that Yitchak dealt with his two sons each according to their personalities. Yitzchak understood that Yaakov could live in the framework of middos hadin, which was the ideal yardstick for the world. Yaakov would function as Shevet Levi would, perhaps a working relationship between them would be possible, but Rivka understood that it would not.

He reached out to Eisav despite his intimate knowledge that this son violated serious Torah transgressions; he was ready to hear his she’eilos; he did not want Eisav to feel dejected. Despite his moving away from the ideals of Yiddishkeit the natural bond of father and son impelled Yitzchak to be mekarev him.

Eisav scorned the birthright. He did not realize the value of what he had and so he sold it. That was his primary chet according to many meforshim. We need to learn from that to place importance on what we have.

Chazal tell us that a rebbi has to be a malach Hashem, otherwise one cannot learn from him. That level  represents the recgntion that Torah and yiras Shamayim are the priorities. One has to uphold his self-respect. “A person has to realize what a human being is,” he said.

Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivah, Mir Yeshiva, said that a person cannot have full success in both gashmius and ruchniyus, as is seen from this week’s parashah.

“There was this tremendous duel,” Rav Brudny said. “It is very clear that Yaakov Avinu wasn’t willing to forgo Olam Hazeh. The high point of the parashah is [the material blessings from Yitzchak]. On the other hand, Eisav wasn’t willing to forgo Olam Haba. Chazal say clearly, he wanted both worlds. And yet, these two civilizations can’t reign in the world at the same time. … That means, these two visions of having both worlds are irreconcilable.” Hamodia

Dayan Yonason Abraham of London and Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro, Rav of Shaaray Tefilah, North Miami Beach, Florida, spoke about the convention theme stating leadership is all about achrayus taking responsibility, its not a theme but a mission said Rabbi Shapiro.

Tehillim for Lakewod Mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Solomon

Horav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita the Lakewood mashgiach was reportedly rushed to the hospital earlier as is said to be in serious condition. Please daven for a refuah shlaima, name for tehillim is Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil

Video: shown at 93rd Agudah convention "Here for you together"

Novominsk Rebbe will speak via video at the agudah convention

Rav Yaakov Perlow the Novominsker Rebbe did not attend the 93rd convention of the Agudath Yisrael of America. The Rebbe  is currently in Eretz Yisrael celebrating the wedding of his granddaughter. He will speak via video at the motzei shabbos keynote session. photos of the chasuna below.

Father and son killed r'l on way to aufruf of future son in law

Invitation to wedding of his daughter
A horrific terror attack near chevron took the life of a father and his son who was on the way to the aufruf of his future son in law. The daughter was is supposed to be getting married on Tuesday this coming week which will be during shiva for her father and brother. Other family members were injured in the shooting attack. The army is searching for the terrorists. The lavaya for r' Yaakov Litman hyd 40, and his 18 year old son will be held on motzei shabbos. Shabbos hi mlizoik.

What did Eisav really look like?

The Parsha sheets always showed Eisav dressed like a rasha and Yaakov avinu like a tzadik. A question was recently asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky, printed in a new released sefer on chumash, according to the opinion of the balei mussar, the Kotzker rebbe on eisav's appearance it is not so. Eisav they say was dressed like a tzadik on the chitzonyois he put on a show, it was inside that he was and acted lik eisav. Why then do they show a picture of him looking like a rasha? Rav Chaim responded that the pictures are indeed correct since they depict what his children look like.

Live stream broadcast 2015 Agudah convention Motzei shabbos keynote session

Its Dinner time!

Besides for football, baseball or other sporting events, Sundays, host fundraising dinners for Yeshivos and Mosdos. Please come and show your support to the following Yeshivos and Mosdos.
 wondering where? when?   what time is the dinner?  see below.

Sunday November 15, 2015 - 3 Kislev 5776

Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim/ Yeshiva of Staten Island 109th anniversary Dinner
Sunday November 15th- New York Marriott Brooklyn, 333 Adams street
reception at 5:00 pm
212-964-2830- MTJ Reservations.- Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz dinner chairman

Mirrer Yeshiva Mir Yeshiva Brooklyn Dinner
Sunday November 15th, 2015
The palace Ballroom 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30  Shiur 6:00 Dinner 6:30 pm- email Mirreryeshiva@thejnet.com

Sunday June 21, 2015- 4 Tamuz 5775

Yeshiva and mesivta Torah Vodaath 96th annual Dinner
The Palace 780 McDonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Ohr Vodaas, Monsey 25th Anniversary Dinner
Yeshivas Ohr V'Daas Sunday, June 21, 2015
Valley Terrace (YSV), Monsey, NY

Reception 5:00 PM - Dinner 5:45 PM

Yeshiva Me'on Hatorah Roosevelt 10th Annual Dinner
Double tree Hotel, Tarrytown, NY


Sunday June 14, 2015- 27 Sivan 5775

Chush- yeshiva Livnas Hasapir 24th annual breakfast
Sunday  June 14, 2015
 At the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Werdiger
 East 23 Street, between Avenues J and K in Flatbush
guest speaker: Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein

Sunday May 17, 2015 - 28 Iyar - 5775

Yeshiva Bais Binyomin Stamford
Ocean Terrace 1200 Ocean Parkway Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6 pm Dinner 6:45 pm Bentching 9 pm

Yeshiva Derech Chaim 40th annual Dinner
The Palace brooklyn, NY  May 17 2015
Reception 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Bais Moshe Scranton 50th Yovel Dinner
 Aters Avrohom Brooklyn, New York Williamsburg
Reception 5 pm Dinner 6:15 pm

Yeshiva and mesivta Torah Temima  56th annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall, Brooklyn, NY  Sunday May 17 2015
Reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Edison Yeshiva 33rd annual Dinner
Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel 515 US highway 1 South, Iselin NJ 08830
Reception 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm
Monday May 18, 2015 29 Iyar 5775

Yeshivas Novominsk 31st annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya, Brooklyn, NY

Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of waterburry Annual Dinner
Terrace on the park, Corona , NY

yeshiva Ohavei Torah Riverdale annual Dinner

Yeshiva Bais Mikra Monsey annual Dinner
Ateres Charna, New Square

Sunday May 10, 2015 - 21 Iyar - 5775

Agudath Israel of America 93rd annual Dinner
 New York Hilton 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10019,
 7:30 pm -NJ senator Cory Booker guest speaker

Yeshivas Ohr haTorah Lakewood, Chanukas Habayis Dinner
Neemas Hachaim Hall Oak Street Lakewood, NJ -May 10, 2015
Reception 7:00pm Dinner 8:00 pm
Yeshiva and Mesivta of brooklyn  107th Anniversary Dinner 
Tuesday May 12, 2015 
Ateres Chynka 129 Elmwood avenue Brooklyn, NY

Mesivta Ahavas Torah- Monsey- Inaugural Dinner
May 12, 2015 Vilchovitz Hall 230 Maple Avenue, Monsey, NY 7:30 pm
Yeshiva of Spring Valley  72nd annual Dinner -May 13 2015
Doubletree hotel 455 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY
Reception 7: pm Dinner 7:45 pm

Yeshiva Mercaz Hatorah Bell harbor 28 anniversary Dinner
May 13, 2015 The palace 780 McDonald Avenue Brooklyn, NY

Mosdos Veretzky 30th annual Dinner May 13, 2015
Marine park Golf course 2880 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Sunday May 3, 2015 - 14 Iyar - 5775

Yeshiva  Gedolah Bais Yisroel 32nd annual Dinner
Dyker Beach 1020 886th street, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:15 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Sunday March 15, 2015 - 24 Adar - 5775

 Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim Annual Dinner
New York Brooklyn Marriott
Reception 4:30 pm - Dinner 6:00pm

Yeshiva Zichron Meir of Mountaindale 53 annual Dinner


Sunday March 1, 2015 - 10 Adar - 5775

Ohr Somayach international 43rd Annual Dinner
Bell Works, 101 Crawford corner road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Reception 6:00 pm -

Bensalem Jewish outreach center 14th annual Dinner
Young Israel of Avenue K 2818 Avenue K Brooklyn, NY 11210

Reception: 5:30 pm      Dinner: 6:30 pm

Sunday February 22, 2015 - 3 Adar - 5775

Talmudical yeshiva of Philadelphia 40th annual Dinner- Philly Dinner
Hilton Garden Inn 1100 South Avenue at Lois Lane, Staten Island, NY

reception 5:30 pm

Springfield Yeshiva Gedolah Tiferes Boruch annual Dinner
Doubletree Hilton Hotel Newark Airport 128 Frontage rd

Sunday February 8, 2015 - 19 Shevat - 5775

Adelphia Yeshiva Talmudical academy 44th annual Dinner
Woodlake country club, 25 New Hampshire avenue Lakewood, NJ
reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Mesivta of Long Beach Yovel anniversary 50th Annual historic Dinner
Bell Works, 101 Crawford corner road, Holmdel, NJ 07733
Reception 6:00 pm - Bus from Lakewood 516-255-4704

Yeshiva Telshe Alumni Riverdale 34th Annual Dinner
Doubletree Hotel, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY
Reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Yeshiva Ohel Torah 28th Annual Dinner

Camp SCHI 20th annual Dinner 
Lake terrace hall  1690 Oak Street, Lakewood, NJ
Sunday December 14, 2014 - 22 Kislev- 5775

Mir Yeshiva Brooklyn Building completion Dinner
The palace Ballroom 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30 pm- email Mirreryeshiva@thejnet.com

Agra Dpirka inaugural Dinner
Tiferes Mordechai hall 600 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Yeshiva and Mesivta of Baltimore Gala of Gratitude Dinner -Seudas Hoda'ah to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Rav Zvi Dov Slanger's liberation from the Bergen Belsen concentration camp
Beth Tfiloh Hall  3300 Old Court Road Baltimore, MD 21208
Reception 5:00 pm

Yeshiva Gedola of South Monsey 21st Annual Dinner- Rabbi Lieff 
Valley Terrace 121 College Road Suffern, NY

Mesivta Zichron Boruch of Clifton Annual Dinner

Sunday December 7, 2014 - 15 Kislev- 5775

Yeshiva Toras Moshe yerushalayim 32nd Anniversary tribute Dinner
Dedicated לעילוי נשמת Rabbi Moshe Twersky HY'D
Ateres Avrohom hall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn NY
Reception 5:30  Zikaron for Rabbi Moshe Twersky 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00pm
Email: americanfriends@torasmoshe.org

Yeshiva Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin annual Dinner
Brooklyn Marriott 

Telshe yeshiva Chicago 54th anniversary tribute Dinner
50th Yartzheit memorial tribute to the Rosh yeshiva Harav Mottel katz Zatzal
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Yeshiva Mercaz hatorah, Belle Harbor Flatbush reception
At the  Wachasman home 1182 East 28th street, Brooklyn, NY 8:00 pm

Sunday June 15, 2014 - 17 Sivan- 5774

Yeshiva Livnas Hasapir/ Chush annual Breakfast
 At the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Werdiger
 East 23 Street, between Avenues J and K in Flatbush 9:30 AM June 15, 2014

Yeshiva Bais Mikroh- Monsey Groundbreaking event
221 Viola rd, Monsey, NY 2:30 -4:00 pm

Kollel Zichron Shmuel -Mirrer yeshiva -Parlor reception
Schindler residence 314 Avenue N, Brooklyn, NY 7:00pm
Monday June 16, 2014 18 Sivan 5774

Mayan Yisroel 6th annual Dinner
Canal Jean Building, 2236 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:00 pm  Dinner 7:00 pm

Ohr Naava Lakewood Parlor meeting
Novoseller home 567  8th Street, Lakewood , NJ  7:30 pm
Tuesday June 17, 2014 19 Sivan 5774
Gatshead Yeshiva- Bais Yosef --New York Reception honoring R''Y Rav Avrohom Gurwicz
Spinka Hall 1466 56th street, Brooklyn, NY 11219  8:30 pm

Yeshiva gevuras Yitzchok -Kesher Desert reception
1461 East 17th street, Brooklyn, NY 8:30 pm
Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Guest speaker
Wednesday June 18, 2014 -20 Sivan 5774
Yeshiva Derech Hatalmud anniversary Dinner
Masores Bais Yaakov hall 1395 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (corner Avenue I)
Reception 7:15 pm  Dinner 8:00 pm
Sunday June 8, 2014 - 10 Sivan- 5774

Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America 51st Siyum Hamishnayos
The Palace 780 McDonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Doors open 6:00pm Program 6:30
Monday June 9, 2014 11 Sivan   
Mifal Torah Vodaath annual Dinner
Schicks manor, 4901 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:30 pm Mincha 7:15 pm Dinner 7:30 pm
Tuesday June 10, 2014-12 Sivan 5774
Beer Hagolah 35th annual Dinner
Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th street Flushing meadows park, New York , NY

Ohr Somayach Monsey 35th Anniversary Dinner- Tuesday June 10
The Beit Shvidler conference center 244 rt 306 , Monsey, NY
Reception 6:30 pm- Mincha 7:15 pm Dinner 7:30 pm Bentching 9:30 pm

Sunday June, 1 2014 - 3 Sivan- 5774

Yeshiva Derech Chaim 39th annual Dinner  Sunday June 1st, 2014
The Palace 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn
Reception 5:30 Mincha 6:15 Dinner 6:30
remembering Harav Mordechai Rennert zatzal

Lakewood Cheder Bais Faiga School 48th annual Dinner Sunday June, 1st 2014
Lake Terrace hall Lakewood, NJ
Reception 6:15 Dinner 7:15 pm

Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury 14th annual Dinner
Terrace on the Park,  52-11 111th street Flushing meadows park, New York , NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Ruach Chaim Dinner 19th Annual Dinner Sunday June 1, 2014
(Young Israel of Avenue K, 2818 Avenue K Brooklyn, NY 11210 ?)
Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Sunday May 25, 2014 - 25 Iyar- 5774
Yeshiva Torah Vadaath 95th annual Dinner
The palace 870 McDonald Avenue , Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30
Torah Vodaas

Yeshiva Meon Hatorah Roosevelt 9th annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel, Fort Lee, NJ

Monday May 26, 2014- 26 Iyar 5774
Yesiva Novominsk 30th annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall, Brooklyn, NY

Mosdos Veretzky 29th annual Dinner
Marine park Golf course 2880 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 

Edison Yeshiva Dinner
Renaissance woodbridge hotel 515 US highway 1 Iselin NJ
Tuesday May 27, 2014 27 Iyar 5774
Agudath Israel of America 92nd annual Dinner
Hilton, New York honoring Rubin Schron
Agudah dinner email dinner@agudathisrael.org
7:30 pm
NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio will speak up.

Yeshiva Zichron melech Rav Chaim Epstein 68th annual Dinner
Kings Terrace  815 Kings highway Brooklyn, NY
Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm
Wednesday May 28, 2014  28 Iyar 5774

Yeshiva of Spring Valley 71 annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel 455 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY
Reception 7: pm Dinner 7:45 pm

Bais Yaakov D'Rav Meir, 70th Annual Dinner
Kings Terrace  815 Kings highway Brooklyn, NY

Reception 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Sharei Torah-Monsey 37th annual Dinner
Atrium Plaza rt 59- 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Ohavei Torah Riverdale 15th anniversary Dinner
Glenpointe Marriott, 100 Frank W Burr blvd, Teaneck, NJ
Reception 6:30 Dinner 7:30 pm

Yeshiva Gedolah of Monroe, NJ- 12th anniversary Dinner
The Renaissance ballroom 5902 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

Sunday May 4, 2014 - 4 Iyar- 5774

Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel 31st annual Dinner
Kings terrace 
815 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:00 Dinner 6:30 pm

Sunday March  30, 2014 - 28 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshiva Yagdil Torah of Yerushalayim annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30  bus from Lakewood leaving at 4:30 pm from 10th and Clifton

Yeshiva Ohr hameir of Peekskill Mir  annual Dinner
Empire Meadowlands hotel, 2 Harmon plaza, Secaucus, NJ 07094
Reception 6:15 pm Dinner 7:15 pm

Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisrael 32nd annual Dinner

Sunday March  23, 2014 - 21 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim annual Dinner
New York Brooklyn Marriott Hotel
333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY
Reception 5:00 pm  Dinner 6:30 pm

Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda - Lakewood inagural Dinner
Tiferes Bais Yaakov Hall Reception 6:45 pm Dinner: 7:30 pm

Sunday March  9, 2014 - 7 Adar 2- 5774

Yeshiva Tiferes Boruch, Springfield yeshiva Gedolah-building expansion Dinner
Double tree Hilton Newark airport hotel 128 frontage rd, Newark, NJ 07114
Reception 6:00 pm

Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia annual Dinner- Philly
Hilton Garden inn 1100 South Avenue at Lois Lane Staten Island, NY
reception 5:30 pm

(To accommodate talmidim going to the atzeres in Manhattan,  the yeshiva will have light refreshments upon return from the atzeres. Smart idea to park in Staten Island and take the Ferry to Manhattan and back for the dinner.)

Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic-  41 Annual Dinner
Hilton Meadowlands, East Rutherford, NJ

Sunday February  23, 2014 - 23 Adar 1 5774

Yeshiva and Mesivta of Long Beach annual Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall, Williamsburg
Reception 6 pm

Sunday February  16, 2014 - 16 Adar 1 5774
Yeshiva Torah Ore -annual Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Reception 5:00pm  Dinner 6:30 pm

Talmudical academy  Yeshiva of Adelphia 43rd annual Dinner,
Woodlake country club, 25 New Hampshire Ave Lakewood, NJ
Reception 6 pm Dinner 7 pm

Yeshiva gedolah kesser Torah annual Dinner

February  22nd Motzei shabbos
Yeshiva gedolah Moreshes yehoshua -Tribute Dinner- Horav Dovid Trenk
TorasEmes hall,1904 Avenue N , Brooklyn, NY 11230
Dinner 8:30PM

Sunday February  9, 2014 - 9 Adar 1 5774
Yeshiva of Telshe alumnai- Riverdale annual Dinner
Doubletree hotel, 455 South Broadway Tarrytown, NY
reception 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm

Sunday December 29, 2013-26 Teves 5774
Yeshiva Darchei Torah annual Dinner

Sunday December 22, 2013-19 Teves 5774

Beth Medrah Govoha- Lakewood Yeshiva annual Dinner
Brooklyn Marriott hotel.

Sunday December 15, 2013-12 Teves 5774

Yeshiva gedolah of Detroit Dinner/ Hachnosas sefer Torah
Leaving from Home of Rebbetzin Bakst  1:30 pm 24621 Harding
Dinner 6:45 pm RSVP 248-968-3360

Yeshiva Passaic Torah institute 18th annual Dinner

Sunday November 24, 2013 - 21 Kislev 5774

Rabbinical seminary of America- Yeshiva Chofetz chaim of queens annual Dinner
Terrace on the park, Flushing, NY

Ponovez Yeshiva -Botei Avos 73rd annual Dinner
Ateres Chaya hall 1415 54th street, Brooklyn, NY
reception 6 pm Dinner 7 pm

Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin annual Dinner

Sunday November 17, 2013 - 14 Kislev 5774

Mirrer Yeshiva Brooklyn annual Dinner
The Palace 780 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn
Reception 5:30 shiur 6:00 Dinner 6:30

Mir Yeshiva Yerushalayim-  borough park Dinner for Chasidishe olam 
with RavLazer Yudel Finkel , Live hook up from EY with Rav Asher Arieli
Ateres Golda Chaya Boro park- f

Yeshiva gedolah of South Monsey 20th anniversary Dinner- Rabbi Lieff
Valley Terace 121 college road, Suffern, NY
Reception 5:30 Dinner 6:30

Yeshivas Toras Moshe- yerushalayim 31st Anniversary Dinner
Ateres Avrohom hall Williamsburg, Brooklyn http://torasmoshe.adjournal.com/event.aspx

Sunday November 10th, 2013  - 7 Kislev 5774

Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim/ Yeshiva of Staten Island 107th anniversary Dinner
Sunday November 10th- New York Marriott Brooklyn
reception at 5:00 pm
212-964-2830- MTJ Reservations.

Beth Medrash Govoha Lakewood yeshiva Fall Luncheon- For women
Lipschitz hall  5000 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY
12:30 pm- 3:30 pm

Missouri Torah institute Chanukas Habayis

Video: Rabbi Zwiebel on OTD "Its not they its WE"

Speaking at the Keynote session of the Agudah convention, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel spoke passionately about the children and neshamos that are leaving the fold. He said the original convention ad had a title that said "why are they leaving what can we do about it". He  received an email from someone who has left the fold asking why is it a they versus we aren't we all one? aren't we all we?. he was right said rabbi Zwiebel it is true many of these young people who have so much pain and sorrow in their immediate family's, what about the pain that they suffered pain is i 2 way street we are  all in this together there is a new title "OTD why is it happening what can WE do about it". It s a communal tragedy, a klal yisrael tragedy every person who walks away and brakes the link of mesorah is a national tragedy we are hemorrhaging. We must be mature and come up with ways and solutions to fix and prevent it. Its a problem that we have been dealing with for 20 years.
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

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